16 efficiency At first glance surface refined cores are more expensive than standard cores In many cases however surface refinement prevents maculation that is the film rind on the core that cannot be processed As a waste product of the winding and unwinding processes film manufactur ers and processors leave behind residual film that at best can be recycled and used in granulate recycling Taking these wastes SUSTAINABILITY I THE PAUL CO APP LESS WASTE MORE VALUE As a component of the value chain and a partner of the paper film and textile indus tries Paul Co has developed a convenient app that is available in German and English in the App Store for iPhone or iPad The app contains numerous calculation and information tools that are interesting to both purchasers and production employ ees and provide a quick overview The Surface Core Calculator is all about Thinking outside the box In our product developments we always put our focus on the customer s needs while simultaneously accelerating the improvement of the frame work conditions for facilitating our customers production and finishing processes It is becoming increasingly clear that efficiency and sustainable action do not have to be a contradiction in terms and we have developed a map to make the related calculations The Paul Co app helps our customers a great deal
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